Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Feature on Ads of the World

Tuatara can focus their eyes independently, so they can see here
and here at the same time. Get closer with Zoom tours.

Street Posters spaced 3 metres apart.

Some of our work for Auckland Zoo Zoom Tours was profiled on Best Ads and Ads of the World recently, it was also a finalist at the Axis Awards. Zooms Tours allow visitors an educational behind the scenes perspective of life at the Zoo. The campaign was shot on-site and starred the Zoo Keepers themselves.

Sanitarium Up&Go

Bus Back Execution

Up&Go is a nutritious liquid breakfast designed for people who live life on the go.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Samitarium Mo-mite for Movember

Auckland City Council Anti Drink-Driving Campaign

Coca-Cola Iconic Billboard

SLSNZ Swim Between The Flags


Holiday season point-of-sale for Panadol Classic.

Practice prevention First campaign for Panadol Back & Neck.

Double-page spread in a popular New Zealand gardening magazine promoting Panadol Back & Neck.

Kiwi Bank Helping Students Get More

Coca-Cola Bands on the Beach

Ogilvy Christmas Party Invite

With a "Red Army" theme, this invite featured Ogilvy CEO Greg Partington as a communist leader.

Auckland City Council Anti-Speeding Campaign

Auckland City Council Parking In The City

Sunday, December 12, 2010


It's long been said about this famous yeast-spread that you either love it or hate it.